Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Keep on keeping on

This month has been maic so far. My working life has taken some unexpected and not altogether appreciated turns. This is worrying given that my profession is that of providing a luxury rather than a neccessity and if I find myself on the queue it may be some time before I make my way back to employment again.

So its nose to the grind stone, yes boss, no boss, three bags full boss until it all becomes a bit more stable again.


Darren said...

Best of luck. I'm hearing so many horror stories from friends at the moment who are afraid of losing their jobs or who have already been made unemployed. I'm feeling quite secure in my job (tempting fate), but it's still a scary time when this recession thing starts to affect people I know.

Stew said...

Thanks for the comment Darren. I am being shipped over to London for a week so I am hoping that means they find me a valuable asset.

There was a time when I would have said that I was in the cushiest most stable job in the world but not these days. Scary times indeed.

Thanks mate.