Monday, November 3, 2008

Struck down in my prime

Looks like everyone had a good Halloween weekend. Everyone but me that is. I am feeling a bit sorry for myself today having deserted my Friday night plans when I was struck down with a deathly illness otherwise known as the flu.

So instead of strutting my fine home-made-costumed-arse over at the Pod, I was sat on my miserable-everyone-is-having-fun-but me-arse at home. Alone. Sniffelling and sneezing and generally trying to ward of the grim reaper.

And did Ms. AG find it in her heart to stay home and keep my forehead cool and unclamed? It appears our friendship doesn't extend to snot wiping or so she told me as she strutted out the door wig cladden and tarted up.

Im feeling a bit more like my old self today so I will be knocking over to see Burn After Reading this evening. I haven't heard great reports but I will judge this one for myself.

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